Monday, September 28, 2020

SCERT Text Based|Basic Science|Model Questions|Part-8|Kerala PSC Exam|LP/UP Exam Special|K TET Exam





1. സാന്ദ്രത കണ്ടെത്തുന്നത് ഏതു സമവാക്യം ഉപയോഗിച്ചാണ്

2. പ്രകാശത്തിന് ഏറ്റവും വേഗതയുള്ളത്

3. നല്ല വെയിലുള്ളപ്പോൾ മരീചിക അനുഭവപ്പെടാൻ കാരണം

4. ആധുനിക മാഗ്ലെവ് ട്രെയിനുകളിൽ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന സാങ്കേതിക വിദ്യ

5. ഒരു സ്ഥിരകാന്തം ത്തിൻറെ സാന്നിധ്യം കൊണ്ട് ഒരു കാന്തിക വസ്തു കാന്തമായി തീരുന്ന പ്രക്രിയ

6. ആൻറിമണി എന്ന മൂലകത്തിന് പ്രതീകം

7. ദ്രവണാങ്കം ഏറ്റവും കുറഞ്ഞ ലോഹം

8. ബഹു അറ്റോമിക് തന്മാത്ര

9. റീചാർജ് ചെയ്യാവുന്ന ഒരു സെൽ

10. കാർ ബാറ്ററിയിൽ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന ആസിഡ്

11. പൂക്കൾക്കും ഫലങ്ങൾക്കും മഞ്ഞനിറവും ചുവന്ന നിറവും നൽകുന്ന വർണ്ണകങ്ങൾ ആണ്

12. കോശത്തിലെ മാംസ്യ നിർമ്മാണ കേന്ദ്രം

13. വൃക്കയുടെ ധർമ്മ പരമായ ഘടകങ്ങളാണ്

14. ജനിതക കത്രിക എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്ന രാസാഗ്നികൾ

15. ഡോപ്പമിൻ ഉൽപാദനം കുറയുന്നത് മൂലമുണ്ടാകുന്ന രോഗം


SCERT Text Based|Basic Science|Model Questions|Part-8|Kerala PSC Exam|LP/UP Exam Special|K TET Exam

 #biostripsmedia# #pratheeshpallath#

The SCERT Text Book based questions from Basic Science are mainly discussed in this video.

The SCERT Text Book Based facts are very useful for all competitive exams like LP-UP/LDC/LGS/SI/BDO/Police Constable etc.

In this video I explain the important questions from basic science . This video is useful to score maximum marks for various competitive exams. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Respiratory System|Part-2|SCERT Text Based Facts|Basic Science|Kerala PSC Exam|LP/UP Exam|K TET Exam

 #biostripsmedia# #pratheeshpallath#

The Respiratory system in Biology is the topic that I mainly explain in this video. This video covers all relevant facts related to the Respiratory system for Kerala PSC Exams and K-TET Exam.

The following video course is based on the facts in the SCERT Science Text Book.

The SCERT Text Book Based facts are very useful for all competitive exams like LP-UP/LDC/LGS/SI/BDO/Police Constable etc.

In this video I explain all those important facts related to the Respiratory system. This video is useful to score maximum marks for various competitive exams. 

Key points

  • Respiratory system
  • Transport of oxygen
  • Transport of carbon dioxide
  • Anaerobic respiration
  • Cellular respiration
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Respiratory organs in other animals
  • Respiration in plants


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Respiratory System|Part-1|SCERT Text Based Facts|Basic Science|Kerala PSC Exam|LP/UP Exam|K TET Exam

 #biostripsmedia# #pratheeshpallath#

The Respiratory system in Biology is the topic that I mainly explain in this video. This video covers all relevant facts related to the Respiratory system for Kerala PSC Exams and K-TET Exam.

The following video course is based on the facts in the SCERT Science Text Book.

The SCERT Text Book Based facts are very useful for all competitive exams like LP-UP/LDC/LGS/SI/BDO/Police Constable etc.

In this video I explain all those important facts related to the Respiratory system. This video is useful to score maximum marks for various competitive exams. 

Key points

  • Respiratory system
  • Parts & functions of Respiratory system
  • Gas exchange
  • Inspiration
  • Expiration


Friday, September 18, 2020

Structure of Atom|Part-2|SCERT Text Based Facts|Basic Science|Kerala PSC Exam|LP/UP Exam|K TET Exam

 #biostripsmedia# #pratheeshpallath#

The Structure of Atom in Chemistry is the topic that I mainly explain in this video. This video covers all relevant facts related to the Structure of Atom for Kerala PSC Exams and K-TET Exam.

The following video course is based on the facts in the SCERT Science Text Book.

The SCERT Text Book Based facts are very useful for all competitive exams like LP-UP/LDC/LGS/SI/BDO/Police Constable etc.

In this video I explain all those important facts related to the Structure of Atom. This video is useful to score maximum marks for various competitive exams. 

Key points

  • Structure of Atom
  • Atom  models
  • Plum pudding model
  • Planetary model of atom
  • Bohr atom model
  • Electron configuration
  • Atomic number and mass number
  • Isotopes
  • Isobars and isotones


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Structure of Atom|Part-1|SCERT Text Based Facts|Basic Science|Kerala PSC Exam|LP/UP Exam|K TET Exam

 #biostripsmedia# #pratheeshpallath#

The Structure of Atom in Chemistry is the topic that I mainly explain in this video. This video covers all relevant facts related to the Structure of Atom for Kerala PSC Exams and K-TET Exam.

The following video course is based on the facts in the SCERT Science Text Book.

The SCERT Text Book Based facts are very useful for all competitive exams like LP-UP/LDC/LGS/SI/BDO/Police Constable etc.

In this video I explain all those important facts related to the Structure of Atom. This video is useful to score maximum marks for various competitive exams. 

Key points

  • Structure of Atom
  • Earlier concepts
  • Discharge tube experiments
  • Electron
  • Proton
  • Neutron 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

SCERT Text Based|Basic Science|Model Questions|Part-7|Kerala PSC Exam|LP/UP Exam Special|K TET Exam






1. ഹരിതകത്തിൽ അടങ്ങിയിരിക്കുന്ന ലോഹം


2. മനുഷ്യൻറെ മൂത്രത്തിലെ ജലത്തിൻറെ ഏകദേശ ശതമാന


3. കോളൻകൈമ യുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട പ്രസ്താവന


4. പയർ ചെടിയുടെ വേരുകളിൽ കാണപ്പെടുന്ന ബാക്ടീരിയ


5. ലവണം അടങ്ങിയിരിക്കുന്ന ജലം ആഗിരണം ചെയ്യുന്നത് മനുഷ്യ ദഹനേന്ദ്രിയവ്യവസ്ഥയുടെ ഏതു ഭാഗമാണ്


6. സിങ്ക് തരികൾ ഹൈഡ്രോക്ലോറിക് ആസിഡിൽ ലയിപ്പിച്ചാൽ ഉണ്ടാകുന്ന വാതകം


7. നിറത്തിൽ നിന്നും നാമം ലഭിച്ച ഒരു മൂലകം

8. എഥനോളും മെഥനോളും അവയുടെ മിശ്രിതത്തിൽ നിന്നും വേർതിരിക്കുന്ന രീതി


9. C12H22O11 എന്ന തന്മാത്ര വാക്യം ഉള്ള പഞ്ചസാരയുടെ രണ്ട് തന്മാത്രകളിൽ ഉള്ള ഓക്സിജൻ ആറ്റങ്ങളുടെ എണ്ണം


10. താഴെ കൊടുത്തിരിക്കുന്നവയിൽ ഒരു സംയുക്തം ഏത്

കാർബൺ, നൈട്രജൻ, അമോണിയക്ളോറിൻ


11. റോക്കറ്റ് വിക്ഷേപണ ത്തിൽ പ്രയോജനപ്പെടുത്തി യിട്ടുള്ള ചലനനിയമം


12. വേഗത അളക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള ഉപകരണം


13. ഒരു സെക്കൻഡിൽ ഒരു ബിന്ദുവിലൂടെ കടന്നു പോകുന്ന ശൃംഗങ്ങളുടെയോ ഗർത്തങ്ങളുടെയോ എണ്ണം ആണ്


14. തരംഗത്തിന് ആവൃത്തി കൂടുമ്പോൾ------കുറയുന്നു

15. താപനിലയുടെ അടിസ്ഥാന യൂണിറ്റ്


SCERT Text Based|Basic Science|Model Questions|Part-7|Kerala PSC Exam|LP/UP Exam Special|K TET Exam

 #biostripsmedia# #pratheeshpallath#

The SCERT Text Book based questions from Basic Science are mainly discussed in this video.

The SCERT Text Book Based facts are very useful for all competitive exams like LP-UP/LDC/LGS/SI/BDO/Police Constable etc.

In this video I explain the important questions from basic science . This video is useful to score maximum marks for various competitive exams. 

Saturday, September 12, 2020




1. The water potential of pure water is

a. Less than zero

b. More than zero but less than one

c. More than one

d. Zero


2. Transpiration and root pressure cause water to rise in plants by

a. pulling it upward

b. pulling and pushing it, respectively

c. pushing it upward

d. pushing and pulling it, respectively


3. Movement of ions or molecules in a direction opposite to that of prevailing electro-chemical gradient is known as

a. Active transport

b. Pinocytosis

c. Brownian movement

d. Diffusion


4. Correct sequence of events in wilting?

a. Exosmosis-deplasmolysis-temporary and permanent wilting

b. Exosmosis-plasmolysis-temporary and permanent wilting

c. Endosmosis-plasmolysis-temporary and permanent wilting

d. Endosmosis-deplasmolysis - temporary and permanent wilting

e. Exosmosis-deplasmolysis-plasmolysis - temporary and permanent wilting


5. What will be the direction of net osmotic movement of water if a solution 'A',

enclosed in a semi permeable membrane, having an osmotic potential of '- 30' bars and turgor pressure of '5' bars is submerged in a solution 'B' with an osmotic potential of '- 10' bars and '0' turgor pressure ?

a. Equal movement in both directions

b. 'B' to 'A'

c. No movement

d. 'A' to 'B'


6. The pressure exerted by a swollen vacuole on the cell wall is

a. OP

b. WP

c. TP

d. DPD


7. Who said that ‘transpiration is a necessary evil’?

a. Curtis

b. Steward

c. Anderson

d. J.C.Bose


8. Which one gives the most valid and recent explanation for stomatal movements?

a. Transpiration

b. Potassium influx and efflux

c. Starch hydrolysis

d. Guard cell photosynthesis


9. Carrier proteins are involved in

a. Active transport of ions

b. Passive transport of ions

c. Water transport

d. Water evaporation


10. Active transport of ions in the cell requires

a. High temperature

b. ATP

c. Alkaline pH

d. Salts


11. Guttated liquid is

a. Pure water

b. Water plus minerals

c. Water plus enzymes

d. All of these


12. Stomata of a plant open due to

a. Influx of potassium ions

b. Efflux of potassium ions

c. Influx of hydrogen ions

d. Influx of calcium ions


13. Potometer works on the principle of

a. Osmotic pressure

b. Amount of water absorbed equals the amount transpired

c. Potential difference between the tip of the tube and then of the plant

d. Root pressure


14. Most suitable theory for ascent of sap is

a. Transpirational pull and cohesion theory of Dixon and Jolly

b. Pulsation theory of J.C. Bose

c. Relay pump theory of Godlewski

d. None of these


15. If a cell kept in a solution of unknown concentration gets deplasmolysed, the

solution is

a. Detonic

b. Hypertonic

c. Isotonic

d. Hypotonic


16. Which is essential for the growth of root tip ?

a. Zn

b. Fe

c. Ca

d. Mn


17. On the basis of symptoms of chlorosis in leaves, a student inferred that this was due to deficiency of nitrogen. The inference could be correct only if we assume that yellowing of leaves appeared first in

a. old leaves

b. young leaves

c. young leaves followed by mature leaves

d. mature leaves followed by young leaves.


18. Cytochrome oxidase contains

a. Iron

b. Magnesium

c. Zinc

d. Copper


19. Which is correct to saprophytic angiosperms?

a. They secrete enzyme outside the body and absorb

b. They have mycorrhizae fungi

c. They take food and then digest it

d. They are photosynthetic


20. The ability of the venus fly trap to capture insects is due to

a. chemical stimulation by the prey

b. a passive process requiring no special ability on the part of the plant.

c. Specialized muscle like cells

d. rapid turgor pressure changes


21. Boron in green plants assists in

a. photosynthesis

b. Sugar transport

c. activation of enzyme

d. acting as enzyme cofactor


22. Which of the following elements is very essential for the uptake of Ca2+ and membrane function?

a. phosphorus

b. molybdenum

c. manganese

d. boron


23. Sulphur is not a constituent of

a. cysteine

b. methionine

c. ferredoxin

d. pyridoxine


24. Deficiency symptoms of nitrogen and potassium are visible first in _____

a. senescent leaves

b. young leaves

c. roots

d. buds


25. The first stable product of fixation of atmospheric nitrogen in leguminous plants is _____

a. NO-3

b. glutamate

c. NO-2

d. ammonia


26. C4 plants are more efficient in photosynthesis than C3 plants due to

a. presence of thin cuticle

b. lower rate of photorespiration

c. higher leaf area

d. presence of larger number of chloroplast in the leaf cells.


27. Chlorophyll b is

a. C54H70 O6 N4 Mg

b. C55H70 O6 N4 Mg

c. C55H72 O5 N4 Mg

d. C45H72 O5 N4 Mg

28. Synthesis of ADP + Pi 􀁯 ATP in grana is

a. phosphorylation

b. photophosphorylation

c. oxidative phosphorylation

d. photolysis


29. In chloroplast, chlorophyll is present in the

a. stroma

b. outer membrane

c. inner membrane

d. thylakoids


30. Electrons from the excited chlorophyll molecule of photosystem II are accepted first by

a. quinone

b. ferredoxin

c. cytochrome-b

d. cytochrome-f


31. Read the following four statements A,B,C and D. Select the right option

A. Z scheme of light reaction takes place in the presence of PS I only

B. only PS I is functional in cyclic photophosphorylation

C. cyclic photophosphorylation results into synthesis of ATP and NADPH2

D. stroma lamellae lack PS II as well as NADP

a. A and B

b. B and C

c. C and D

d. B and D


32. Photolysis of each water molecule in light reaction will yield ___

a. 2 electrons and 4 protons

b. 4 electrons and 4 protons

c. 4 electrons and 3 protons

d. 2 electrons and 2 protons


33. Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) has the following range of wavelength

a. 400-700 nm

b. 450-920 nm

c. 340-450 nm

d. 500-600 nm


34. Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) is the primary CO2 acceptor in __

a. C3 plants

b. C4 plants

c. C2 plants

d. C3 and C4 plants


35. With reference to factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis, which of the following statements is not correct?

a light saturation for CO2 fixation occurs at 10 % of full sunlight

b. increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration up to 0.05% can enhance CO2 fixation rate

c. C3 plants respond to higher temperature with enhanced photosynthesis while C4 plants have much lower temperature optimum.

d. tomato is a greenhouse crop which can be grown in CO2 enriched atmosphere

for higher yield


36. A plant in your garden avoids photorespiratory losses, has improved water use efficiency, shows high rates of photosynthesis at high temperatures and has

improved efficiency of nitrogen utilization. In which of the following physiological

groups would you assign this plant?

a. C4

b. CAM

c. Nitrogen fixer

d. C3


37. Emerson's enhancement effect and Red drop have been instrumental in the

discovery of

a. two photosystems operating simultaneously

b. photophosphorylation and cyclic electron transport

c. oxidative phosphorylation

d. photophosphorylation and non-cyclic electron transport


38. The process which makes major difference between C3 and C4 plants is

a. glycolysis

b. calvin cycle

c. photorespiration

d. respiration


39. In a chloroplast the highest number of protons are found in

a. lumen of thylakoids

b. inter membrane space

c. antennae complex

d. stroma


40. Oxidative phosphorylation is

a. formation of ATP by transfer of phosphate group from a substrate to ADP

b. oxidation of phosphate group in ATP

c. Aaddition of phosphate group to ATP

d. formation of ATP by energy released from electrons during substrate


41. Which of the biomolecules is common to respiration-mediated breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins

a. glucose-6-phosphate

b. fructose1,6-bisphosphate

c. pyruvic acid

d. acetyl CoA


42 Which statement is wrong for Krebs cycle?

a. there is one point in the cycle where FAD is reduced to FADH2

b. during conversion of succinyl CoA to succinic acid, a molecule of GTP is synthesised.

c. the cycle starts with condensation of acetyl group a.cetyl CoA. with pyruvic acid to yield citric acid

d. there are three points in the cycle where NAD+ is reduced to NADH+H+


43. The three boxes in this diagram represents the three major biosynthetic pathways in aerobic respiration and arrows represent net reacts or products. Arrows numbered 4, 8 and 12 can be

a. ATP

b. H2O

c. FAD or FADH2



44. The energy released metabolic process in which substrate is oxidised without an external electron acceptor is called

a. glycolysis

b. fermentation

c. aerobic respiration

d. photorespiration

45. Krebs cycle starts with the formation of six carbon compound by a reaction between

a. malic acid and acetyl coenzyme

b. oxaloacetic acid and acetyl coenzyme

c. succinic acid and pyruvic acid

d. fumaric acid and pyruvic acid


46. Respiration is a process in which

a. energy is used up

b. energy is stored in the form of ADP

c. energy is released and stored in the form of ATP

d. energy is not released at all


47. The common phase between aerobic and anaerobic respiration is called

a. glycolysis

b. krebs cycle

c. tricarboxylic acid cycle

d. oxidative phosphorylation


48. ATP synthesis occurs on/in the

a. matrix

b. outer membrane of mitochondrion

c. innermembrane of mitochondrion

d. none of the above


49. Which 5-carbon organic acid of the Krebs cycle is a key compound in the N2

metabolism of a cell

a. citric acid

b. fumaric acid

c. oxalosuccinic acid

d. α-Ketoglutaric acid


50. Which one of the following acts as a hormone involved in ripening of fruits

a. naphthalene acetic acid

b. ethylene

c. indole acetic acid

d. zeatin


51. Coconut milk factor is

a. auxin

b. gibberellin

c. abscisic acid

d. cytokinin


52. Banana is seedless because

a. it produces asexually

b. auxin is sprayed

c. both A and B

d. none of the above


53. Pruning of plants promotes branching due to sensation of axillary buds by

a. Ethylene

b. Gibberellin

c. IAA

d. Cytokinin


54 Avena curvature test is bioassay for activity of

a. Auxin

b. Ethylene


d. Gibberellin


55. One of the synthetic auxin is

a. IBA

b. NAA

c. IAA

d. GA


56 Which one of the following acids is derivative of carotenoids

a. Abscisic acid

b. Indole butyric acid

c. Indole – 3 acetic

d. Gibberellic acid


57. Photoperiodism was first characterized in

a. Cotton

b. Tobacco

c. Potato

d. Tomato


58. One of the commonly used plant growth hormone in tea plantations is

a. Abscisic acid

b. Zeatin

c. Indole – 3 – acetic acid

d. Ethylene


59. Root development is promoted by

a. Auxin

b. Gibberellin

c. Ethylene

d. Abscisic acid


60. Senscence as an active developmental cellular process in the growth and functioning of a flowering plant is indicated in

a. Annual plants

b. Floral plants

c. Vessels and Tracheid differentiation

d. Leaf abscission


61. You are given a tissue with its potential for differentiation in an artificial culture. Which of the following pairs of hormones would you add to the medium to secure shoots as well as roots?

a. Gibberellin and abscissic acid

b. IAA and gibberellins

c. Auxin and cytokinin

d. Auxin and abscisic acid


62. Phytochrome is a

a. Chromo protein

b. Flavo protein

c. Glyco protein

d. Lipo protein


63. Typical growth curve in plants is

a. Linear

b. Stair – steps shaped

c. Parabolic

d. Sigmoid